Here at, we believe in transparency and honesty on the web and so we’re stating in this disclaimer:
If you click on a link leading to a third-party website where products and services can be purchased, we may earn an affiliate commission for this.
Yes, if you go to a 3rd party website from a link found on this website and make a purchase of a product, there is a good chance that we will make a commission.
The main goal of this website is to inform, educate, and build a like-minded community. But please understand that this is a lot of work and although we enjoy this process and the results we achieve, this website is being run as a for-profit business.
The products or services reviewed, recommended, and linked to from this site, will have been investigated thoroughly and only ever recommend and link to if we truly believe it will deliver exceptional value to you.
We will never link to, endorse, or recommend products and services solely for financial gain, we will truly believe a product or service provides great value if we endorse it in any way.
However, if you find a link to a 3rd party product, whether within a product review or otherwise, we would like you to be aware of the fact there is a high possibility we will receive a commission if you make a purchase.
If you would like to ask us any questions in relation to the above, please contact us via the contact page and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you.